When I talked about sound last, I mentioned we didn't know how we were going to incorporate music, but that we wanted to. That is because of the way the opening is going to flow. We realized that the music wouldn't work for all parts of the opening, but we also couldn't have silence. So, we found a way to compromise.
We will be using music for a part of the opening and fading it out before the main scene occurs. That way, the other sound elements we use there will be emphasized. We want to have the music for only specific parts of the opening, but we know if we use it for some, it has to be there for the rest, unless we get rid of it completely.
Once we established this plan, we had to start looking for music that would fit our scene. We thought instrumental music would be best because it wouldn't interfere with any of the other audio we were developing in the scene. We want to find something that would fit the same aesthetic and build on the monster sound effect. We want it to be suspenseful and instill the fear a horror movie does into their audience.
We started by looking at classical music to see if any of them fit what we were looking for, but they were all too traditional, so we moved to different types of instrumentals. We found a playlist on Spotify that had various instrumentals, but none of them worked either.After we looked on those, we went to the YouTube Audio Library and found a few music options that could work for our opening.
Those two options are both good posibilities for what we are looking for. We hope that once we finish with our opening and get to the editing process, we can use the visuals to make the final decision.
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