Friday, January 31, 2025

Transitioning to Cambridge Portfolio Project

 From now on in my blog, the posts will center around my portfolio project. Everything discussed in my blog previously helped me better understand and develop my skills to create my film opening. The posts I made previously encapsulate my knowledge of different aspects of the film opening that I'm hoping to now discuss. 

In class, we talked about what the film opening was supposed to include as well as the different approaches to a film opening. The samples and notes I took helped me better understand what exactly a film opening is and it's significance as well as purpose in a film. 

With the information I gathered in class I was able to figure out I wanted to take a more mysterious approach in my film opening. I thought that the idea of leaving the audience wondering and waiting to see what happened was exciting. This approach also gives me the opportunity to do a lot in two minutes without having to give anything away or develop a story or plot. I only have to include some key elements, leaving the audience wondering of their significance. 

I also considered a more conflict-oriented approach. This approach has a lot of different possibilities in the way it integrates not only characters, but external variables as well. I thought it would be good to consider because in the short time I have, I can have the same wondering effect as the mystery approach, only with the relationship dynamic in my opening. 

Creative Critical Reflection Prep: Question #3

 For the third question, there are different things I had to take into consideration, my planning and production as well as my past experien...