Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film

     For our one word film project we were assigned a word and had to create a 1-1:30 minute video depicting that word without dialogue. We were assigned the word "Love" and we took the approach of love at first sight. During our brainstorming period we thought out how we would establish it was love at first sight and not just flashes as well as how it would be presented and what would be presented. We detailed what techniques we would use in our editing as well. 

    We used our storyboard to help us be more efficient in the actual filming process by making sure we knew what was going on in each shot so it could all be filmed smoothly. To connect all of our footage after we'd filmed I used Adobe Premiere to edit it. 
    We did a love at first sight representation of love which we illustrated by having our two characters meet and one of them go through and picture what they're lives together might be. It ends with him going back to the real moment. 
    One of our shots came out really good for it being the first time we try one, the dolly zoom, the background and character were manipulated the right way and it helped progress the story in the way we wanted. I think we could've done a better job at making sure it was clear it was about love and I think that music might've helped with that. Some of our clips were kind of shaky so refilming in a more stable way could've helped, too. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camera Shots/Angles Quiz

 For our camera shots quiz, we had to create a story using inanimate objects in only 15 shots. We had a required list of shots to follow and we could also include a few of our choice. We were also allowed to work with one other person. We decided to tell a story about a stapler who feels insecure and finds comfort and confidence from the encouragement her friend provides her. 

I think the way we went about telling the story as well as how we decided to use the shots in specific orders really helped with the idea. I think we could've improved in some of the quality of our shots, some of them could've been brighter with lighting or maybe more thought out before being included. However, overall I think we did a good job with the ones we decided to use. 

Creative Critical Reflection Prep: Question #3

 For the third question, there are different things I had to take into consideration, my planning and production as well as my past experien...